Monday, April 13, 2009

Easter Sunday

We were again privileged to be in our home church for the morning services. Our pastor delivered another astounding message of hope in Christ which only comes through Salvation in Him alone. There were at least 15 who raised their hand doubting their salvation during the invitation and 8 came forward making public professions with several other decisions as well. It is such a joy and blessing to us to be part of such a wonderful group of people.

We also were blessed with the opportunity to be with Richardson BC in Franklinton, LA. and their dear pastor Jimmy Oalman. We were again delivering a plaque in recognition for their efforts in a BEAMS Revival which brought in over $4,000 dollars for the week. What a blessing this church is and we were overjoyed to recognize their efforts in helping get whole Bibles into the hands of new converts. These folks always treat us so well and take such good care of us. Thanks you so much!!!!

Friday, April 10, 2009

Introducing our Office Manager

In every office situation there is always that one person who is the "go to" person. They can either fix the problem or they know the place to find the answer. Well, in our office things are no different. That person would be Mrs. Vicky Smith. Her official title is Office Manager. She is tenaciously dedicated to her job and is very effective at it. She handles everything from ordering Bibles to making sure the office operates on a day to day basis. I truly do not have enough room to write about all she does. I do know this, however, she is an integral part of this team. We could not do the things we do without her and though it sometimes may not seem that way, we really do appreciate you. Oh and by the way, the flowers on her desk were in celebration of her Birthday. We hope you had a very pleasant and happy Birthday!

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Sunday March 29th

We had a lot of miles to cover this weekend! We left early on Saturday morning to drive to Vicksburg, MS to be with Warrenton IBC! On the way we passed a most remarkable sign. I just had to turn around and go back to get this photo. Believe it or not, this is a shoe store!

Pastor Marvin Curtis and his wonderful people made us feel welcome and right at home! This church has been a great supporting church for many years and it was a joy for me to have the opportunity to thank them for their faithfulness. My wife fell in love with the prophets chamber! Thanks church for taking such good care of us.

We arrived early on Saturday and took the afternoon to explore the Coca-Cola museum and the Old Doll and Toy Museum! We really enjoyed a relaxing day.

We traveled from Vicksburg, MS. all the way to Natchez, MS for the evening service. A good portion of the trip we followed the Nathez Trace. This was a beautiful, senic drive which we enjoyed very much. We had opportunity to be in another church that already is a supporter of the ministry, but they were very receptive and took around 10 boxes of Bibles to be mailed. I am constantly amazed at the generosity of God's people. A great big thanks to Pastor Ray Holland and the people of Trace City BC. You are a great blessing to us and the ministry.

Please be in prayer for us this week! We are getting ready for the upcoming Champion Week here at BEAMS. A group of students from Champion Baptist College in Hot Springs, AR. will be with us for three days of missions training and participation. Pray for safety in travel and a good time for all who attend.

Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Introduction to our Leader

I am going to start introducing you to our staff here at BEAMS. Our Director is Dr. Rene Freret. He became Director in 1997 and has lead BEAMS from a good start of around 12 Missionaries and 50 Bibles a month to an average last year of 1700 missionaries and national pastors and 10,800 Bibles a month. Dr. Freret is a man of great passion and vision for the work of the Lord. He is constantly planning, preparing, and promoting the ministry. I have enjoyed getting to know him better and look forward to service many years with him. We could not ask for a better leader and friend! I believe I can speak for the whole staff when I say, "Bro. Freret, we love you!!!"

Another Great Sunday 3/29

We enjoyed the morning services at New Hope Baptist Church in Roxie, MS. and their pastor Thomas Foster. The Sunday School hour was devoted to the BEAMS Ministry! We showed the DVD and updated the church as well as challenged them to get more involved in the ministry. Following a good message by their pastor, the church responded by taking a good number of boxes of Bibles to be mailed the following week. We also enjoyed a great meal with these fine folk! Thank you for treating us like family. We have learned to love you in a short time. We drove over to Brookhaven, MS. for the evening service at Northview BC and Pastor Carl Adamson. We enjoyed a nice surprise as Casey's girlfriend, Erin King, made the trip up to be with us! Thanks Erin we really enjoyed it!!! This was a nice reunion for us. I actually candidated for this church before following the Lord up to Kentucky. It was good to see these dear folk again. We again showed the DVD, updated the church on the ministry, and I preached. Thanks for your care and love shown toward us. Everything is not always business. We went to Mcdonalds after service for a little fellowship and made new friends. As you can see by the photo some people will do anything for attention!

If you would like to hear from the girls (Mrs. Christy and Katie) from time to time comment and let me know. I may be persuaded to give up the keyboard on occassion! Til next time.....